These projects have a one-week rehearsal process and are intended to be an opportunity for new actors and technicians to get involved with Acme Theatre Company.
Staged Reading Auditions will involve… signing up by filling out a Google form, filling out a conflict form, attending a single group session in which the Director will lead the actors through a group warm up and several group exercises.
The Director will then divide the actors into small groups and assign each actor a role in a scene. You will rehearse your scene with your small group and then perform it for the Director. You may then be asked to read other roles in other scenes.
These projects have a two-month rehearsal process and are intended to be an opportunity for actors and technicians to hone their acting, design and production skills in the creation of a full production.
Each production process begins win an optional open house where actors and technicians can learn about the show and meet the company leaders in a fun and relaxed setting.
Main Stage Auditions will involve… signing up by filling out a Google form, filling out a conflict form, selecting and preparing a monologue from a packet of monologues we provide, performing your monologue to the director at a 10-minute individual time slot, and then attending a group session where you read scenes with other actors.