Acme’s guiding educational philosophy is that young people, when given responsibility, will rise to the challenges of operating a theatre company independent of adult assistance.
Student leaders are elected to the Acme Council of Executives in order to manage their peers in key areas of theatrical expertise. These leaders, and all members of the company, are mentored by Artistic Director, Emily Henderson.
Got Questions?
If you have immediate questions regarding Acme Theatre Company, here are folks you can speak with:
Jeff Pelz- Board President
Emily Henderson, Artistic Director
Acme Parent Orientations are held at the start of every rehearsal process. Come meet Acme's leaders and learn more!

Confused about the schedule?
Acme events take place in many different locations and at a wide variety of times.
Because many student leaders are learning to create and communicate schedules, and all students are learning to manage their own personal schedule, there can be confusion.
If you or your student is confused,
please contact our Stage Manager.
How is the schedule created?
At the beginning of the audition process, each company member is given a rough outline of the rehearsal schedule and fills out a conflict sheet. Company members are encouraged to consult with their families when filling out the conflict sheet, reflect on their other responsibilities, and come to an agreement about their actual availability.
After assembling all of the conflict sheets, our student Stage Manager crafts a rehearsal schedule and does their best to accommodate each scheduled conflict. Following the distribution of the rehearsal schedule, we expect company members to take personal responsibility for honoring their commitment and attending all rehearsals for which they are scheduled.
Behavior Expectations
At the beginning of each rehearsal process, company members are asked to abide by Acme's Statement of Principles
Drugs and alcohol are not permitted at company events, and company members are strictly prohibited from being under the influence at such events. Consequences will include removal from the event, and may include removal from the current production or termination from the company.
The Parents Role in Acme
While parents are crucial part of Acme’s success, we hope for a very different form of parental support than other organizations.
Please Don’t:
Because of Acme’s commitment to youth independence and leadership, we ask that parents support their company members by resisting the temptation to “help.” Although it can be difficult, we ask that adults refrain from designing or building technical elements, offering unasked-for advice, or “saving the day.”
Please Do:
Spread the Word – Attend Acme’s productions, bringing family, friends, co-workers. Publicize Acme at work, church, social clubs and networks, etc.
Drive – Driving your company member on shopping trips is appreciated. Driving, or loaning us, a large vehicle to transport tools and materials is SUPER helpful.
Bring Food – Tech week dinners and Intermission Concessions are much appreciated (contact the Parent Liaison or Stage Manager).
Host – Opening your home for ACE/Production meetings, cast parties, costume or set construction, or host an Acme guest artist.
Chaperone – The ACE Retreat and Oregon Shakespeare Festival Trip are two events where parent chaperones are needed.
Consider Making a Financial Donation – Your donation allows us to continue offering this comprehensive educational theatre experience, free of charge, to the young people in our community.