Icarus Livingstone Falls into the Sea
By Briandaniel Oglesby
Directed by Emily Henderson
A Chorus of the Dead puts the broken Icarus back together, telling him of his boyhood friendship with Tor, who would become the Minotaur in the Labyrinth, and with Theseus, who would kill him. The path to his final fall is far from straightforward, and the Chorus tells of the cruelty of the tyrant – Tor’s father and king – and the world that made them. A contemporary, queer, re-imagination of the Greek myth of Icarus, Theseus and the Minotaur.
7pm, Friday, Jan 6
7pm, Saturday, Jan 7
2pm, Sunday, Jan 8
7pm, Friday, Jan 13
7pm, Saturday, Jan 14
2pm, Sunday, Jan 15
Veterans Memorial Theatre, 203 E 14th St, Davis, CA
All audience members must wear masks and show either proof of Covid-19 vaccination
or a negative Covid-19 test from within the last 72-hours. We accept: Covid-19 vaccination card, a photo of your card, or a digital vaccine record (e.g., myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov) or a photo of a negative at-home test result